Sattkowski Praxis

My Services

Areas of Expertise

Fears & Anxiety, Panic attacks, Social Phobia, Professional Crisis & Burnout, Relationship Issues (breakup, divorce), Depression, Low Self Esteem, Intercultural Psychotherapy, Eating Disorders, High Sensitivity, Crisis Intervention, Bipolar Disorder, Illness Anxiety, Personal Crisis, Identity Crisis, Social Phobia, Gaming Addiction, Loss and Grief, Stress Management, Trauma, Fertility issues and pregnancy.

Individual Psychotherapy & Self-Awareness

There are moments in life where we are overwhelmed by a certain situation or problem. We often forget to feel our emotions and understand what our instincts and body are telling us. In therapy, together we will figure out ways to understand your problems and to see things from a different perspective. A new understanding and awareness leads us to break free of predisposed patterns and allows us to become the person with our true potential.

Group Therapy

In group therapy, we provide a safe environment where one can work on interpersonal relationships. Group therapy is a source of support where one can also learn coping strategies from others. Group therapy also enables the feeling that you are not the only one dealing with difficulties in life.

Couples Therapy

Often in relationships, we feel misunderstood. It feels as if our words and needs don’t come across to your partner. In therapy, a couple learns how to communicate through conflicts constructively rather than destructively. The couple re-establishes an emotional closeness with each other with acceptance and understanding. Previous, unresolved conflicts are worked through in order to allow a new relationship to surface.

Individual Consultation

Consulting offers you support with specific questions and requests in the private or in the professional life. Therapy sessions are often limited to fewer sessions than a psychotherapy process.

Online Therapy

Online psychotherapy has been shown to be an efficient treatment from the comfort of your own home. If due to disability or your current location you are not able to attend to therapy in person, this is a good alternative.


In the workplace, one must often take on many responsibilities. In our work, together we would develop stress management skills, competence in areas of responsibility and social communication skills. Overall, we would address the current difficulties you are experiencing in the workplace.

Individual Psychotherapy & Self-Awareness

There are moments in life where we are overwhelmed by a certain situation or problem. We often forget to feel our emotions and understand what our instincts and body are telling us. In therapy, together we will figure out ways to understand your problems and to see things from a different perspective. A new understanding and awareness leads us to break free of predisposed patterns and allows us to become the person with our true potential.

Group Therapy

In group therapy, we provide a safe environment where one can work on interpersonal relationships. Group therapy is a source of support where one can also learn coping strategies from others. Group therapy also enables the feeling that you are not the only one dealing with difficulties in life.

Couples Therapy

Often in relationships, we feel misunderstood. It feels as if our words and needs don’t come across to your partner. In therapy, a couple learns how to communicate through conflicts constructively rather than destructively. The couple re-establishes an emotional closeness with each other with acceptance and understanding. Previous, unresolved conflicts are worked through in order to allow a new relationship to surface.

Individual Consultation

Consulting offers you support with specific questions and requests in the private or in the professional life. Therapy sessions are often limited to fewer sessions than a psychotherapy process.

Online Therapy

Online psychotherapy has been shown to be an efficient treatment from the comfort of your own home. If due to disability or your current location you are not able to attend to therapy in person, this is a good alternative.


In the workplace, one must often take on many responsibilities. In our work, together we would develop stress management skills, competence in areas of responsibility and social communication skills. Overall, we would address the current difficulties you are experiencing in the workplace.


What They Say

From distress to great personal growth

My experience with Ms. Sattkowski was a rare exchange that created an environment in which I could not only heal, but learn, explore, and grow. She provided me the very sensitively and finely tuned balance between support and encouragement towards independence needed to allow me to find stability within myself, orient myself in the world, and consequently cultivate personal development.

The progress made with Ms. Sattkowski reverberated into almost all areas of my life and its effects will continue to positively influence the formation of my person indefinitely. I have the utmost gratitude for having had the privilege of finding a person that could inspire and accompany me in turning a time of distress into one of great growth.” – Anonymous

An excellent psychotherapist

Stephanie Sattkowski is an excellent psychotherapist. Her training and professionalism quickly make you feel safe and in good hands. This is a very important fact to keep in mind here in Vienna and the therapy is in perfect Spanish, which is excellent for the Spanish-speaking population of the city. The journey through therapy with Ms. Sattkowski has been and is being significantly helpful and important to me. I could not recommend her to anyone else.

– Anonymous

Sie ließ mich wieder an meine innere Stärke glauben

“Frau Sattkowski war über einen Zeitraum von ca. 2 Jahren meine Therapeutin. Ihre freundliche und empathische Art hat es mir leicht gemacht mich zu öffnen, wir hatten schnell einen Draht zueinander. Sie hat mir viele verschiedene Wege aufgezeigt, um mein Leben in den Bahnen zu halten. Vorallem ließ sie mich wieder an meine innere Stärke glauben. Ich bin unendlich dankbar, dass ich in dieser schwierigen Zeit Frau Sattkowski an meiner Seite hatte und würde bei Bedarf jederzeit wieder auf sie zurückkommen.” – Anonym

Es una excelente psicoterapeuta

Stephanie Sattkowski es una excelente psicoterapeuta. Su formación y su profesionalidad rápidamente te hacen sentir seguro y en buenas manos. Este es un hecho muy importante a tener en cuenta aquí en Viena unido a que la terapia es en perfecto español, lo cual es excelente para la población hispanohablante de la ciudad. El camino recorrido durante la terapia con la Sra. Sattkowski ha sido y está siendo significativamente útil e importante para mí. No podría recomendar a nadie más.

– Anónimo 

Zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben habe ich mich für eine Therapie entschieden und in Stephanie Sattkowski einen Menschen gefunden, der Vertrauen einflößt und mit viel Geduld hilft, die Situation zu bewältigen.

Meine Depression wurde durch die Tatsache verstärkt, dass ich in einem anderen Land und einer anderen Kultur lebe. Ich musste in meiner Muttersprache denken und handeln, aber auch auf Englisch und Deutsch. Was anfangs ein Problem zu sein schien, verwandelte sich in lediglich eine Herausforderung, weil ich mit Frau Sattkowski in jeder dieser Sprachen denken und sprechen konnte und es keine multikulturellen Barrieren gab. Während der Therapie wurde ich nicht nur als Mensch unterstützt und gefördert, Frau Sattkowski war auch in der Lage, mich als Künstler, als Musiker, als Vater und als Fremder in einer neuen Kultur zu verstehen.

All das sind nur die Höhepunkte dessen, was ich in über einem Jahr Therapie gewonnen habe. Die verschiedenen Techniken, die ich im Rahmen der Therapie gelernt habe, kann in nun in meinem Alltag weiterverwenden. Ich werde nicht zögern, wiederzukommen und ihre Dienste in Anspruch zu nehmen, wann immer ich sie in meinem Leben brauche.

 – Samuel Montoya

Sattkowski Praxis

steingasse 11/13 1030 vienna

Tel: +43 670 6049627


therapy offered in the praxis (vienna) and online in english, German, and spanish.

Sattkowski Praxis

steingasse 11/13 1030 vienna

Tel: +43 670 6049627


therapy offered in the praxis (vienna) and online in english, German, and spanish.